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Security map


It is important that students do not evaluate expressions such as the following with the CAS :

system("rm /*");

for somewhat obvious reasons! Hence, we need to restrict the availability of certain functions to users. STACK "trusts" the teacher. Therefore there are three levels of Maxima functions.

  1. Forbidden. No string containing anything which might look like this should ever get near the CAS.
  2. Teacher. Teacher's answers cannot contain these, but they are not a security risk. Usually these have side effects within the Maxima code, e.g. setting a global variable which might cause problems later/elsewhere.
  3. Student. Student's expressions can only contain these.

Since STACK 4.3 the Maxima statement parser infrastructure uses a JSON file describing all identifiers of functions, variables, constants and operators and features we attach to them. The catalogue is stored in


This JSON file is being updated manually and through the data collected by the census and can be extended freely to track new features as things progress. This documentation section describes what is currently being contained in that map.

If a function from a maxima library is not in the security map then it is most likley that we have not reviewed it. Please contact the developers.


Note that the security-map does not define identifiers that are units and based on the current design you should not declare them there. In the current form if we are in units mode an overlay will be placed on top of the security-map and that overlay will declare are identifers that are units mg, K,... as constant: 's' meaning that they are constants that the student may use in their inputs as long as they are not declared forbidden through the forbidden words mechanism.

Features currently tracked


In security features we typically use values "s", "t", and"f". "s" declares that students may use this identifier in the specified way unless specifically forbidden with the forbidden words mechanism. "t" means that by default only the author may use it but can specially allow it using the allowed words mechanism. "f" means that for whatever reason not even the author may use it.

constant is a feature declaring the security level at which a given identifier is to be considered as a constant and can thus be only red and never written to. This makes it so that you cannot write %pi:4 but can use %pi otherwise.

evflag is a feature declaring the security level at which a given identifier is to be considered as an evaluation flag. Basically, wether it can be used as a suffix to a statement sqrt(3),numer or as a paramter to ev(sqrt(3),numer=true) and similar functions.

function is a feature declaring the security level at which a given identifier is to be considered as a function name and can thus be called.

keyword is a feature declaring the security level at which a given identifier is to be considered as a keyword that can be used one could use it to declare that students may not use specific types of loops or other flow control features.

operator is a feature declaring the security level at which a given operator is usable at. By operator we mean anything from ^ and and to various brackets.

variable is a feature declaring the security level at which a given identifier is to be considered as a variable and can thus be both written and red.

In addition to those we also declare certain identifiers with globalyforbiddenfunction or globalyforbiddenvariable in the cases where we might want to handle attempts to use them in a more serious manner.


In the old system certain functions and operators were nounified to stop the CAS from evaluating them and thus allow simpler assessment of the original input form. For this we define features nounfunction and nounoperator that have the name of the matching nounified identifier. When processing student input functions and operators that have noun variants are nounified unless specially requested to be kept as is. In addition to the nounifying one may need to denounify and then we define nounoperatorfor or nounfunctionfor at the noun end.


int(foo,x) is equivalent to integrate(foo,x) which leads to issues when using forbidden words and only forbidding integrate to deal with this we now declare aliases as features for various identifiers so that if you forbid one the others are also forbidden. We also use those aliases to map similar statements to use the same alias thus increasing the likelihood of cache hits. Aliases like nouns are defined by usage type e.g. aliasfunction feature tells that if some one uses a function with this name it should be interpreted as a function call with the name of this feature. aliasvariable does the same for both constants and variables. As it is often necessary to find all the aliases that point to a given identifier we also define features aliasfunctions and aliasvariables that contain lists of such identifiers. Updating such lists should be left to tools that make sure they are correct.

Aliases often do not match the logical aliases present in the CAS instead they tend to map things so that they point to the version that is shortest to minimise space usage, e.g. while some might think int => integrate here we rather have integrate => int.

The base alias is sent to the CAS. This enables support for some unicode, e.g. pi, which does not break the CAS.